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., 57, 86, 116American Revolution, and habeas cor- Cameron, Simon, 146pus, 1 2 Cannibals All (Fitzhugh), 58ancien régime, 59 Carnegie, Andrew, libraries of, 29Aristotle, 61, 118 Castro, Fidel, 126Arnold, Isaac, 14 Chaconas, Joan, 133Charles Scribners s Sons, 49Bailey v.Cromwell, 94 Charnwood, Lord Geoffrey RathboneBaltimore riot, 103 4 Benson, 66Barzun, Jacques, 49 Chase, Salmon P., 33 39, 103Bates, David Homer, 136 Chicago Times, 107Bates, Edward, 33 35, 37 39 circuit judges, during Civil War, 104Batista, Fulgencio, 126 civil-military relationship, 143, 145Bedell, Grace, 44 civil rights movement, 68 70bed sharing, in 19th century, 35 civil society, 61 63Beecher, Catharine, 8 Civil War: African American soldiers of,Beesly, Edward, 84 95, 146; circuit judges, 104; as democ-Bennett, Lerone, Jr., 26, 99n.3, 118 racy on trial, 79 81, 84; in diary ofBennett, Tony, 51 Emma Holmes, 72; foreign-born sol-Berlin, Isaiah, 85 diers of, 79; Mary Todd Lincoln and,Bernard, Kenneth A., 151 53, 161 12 13; Lincoln on legacy of, 82 83;177 IndexCivil War (continued) legacy, 2; Lincoln s presidency and,Lincoln s awareness of significance of, 20; public sentiment in, 117 18; Alexis75 76; Lincoln s search for generals, de Tocqueville on, 8026; Lincoln s strategy for victory, 144; Democracy Project, 18Lost Cause narrative of, 110; military Democratic Party, 88draft, 106; John Stuart Mill on, 81; re- divine right of kings, 61enactors of, 57; secession and threat of, Dix, Dorothea, 8676; as struggle for all human beings, domestic feminism, 1288; study of, 93; suspension of habeas Douglas, Stephen A., 62, 116 18.See alsocorpus, 103 7; symposia on, 152, 161 Lincoln-Douglas debatesCivil War amendments, 25, 82, 84 85, Douglass, Frederick, 96, 12087, 97 Dred Scott decision, 94, 104Clay, Henry, 114 Du Bois, W.E.B., 99Clinton, William J., 50 Durbin, Richard, 50Cobb, Josephine, 46, 53 54n.7Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Eckert, Thomas, 135 3818 19 education, in 19th-century America, 8,colonization solution, 95 97, 100n.14 30, 34 35Committee of Five, 95 96 Edwards, Elizabeth Todd, 9compact (social contract), 56, 61 63 Edwards, Ninian, 9Confederates in the Attic (Horwitz), 57 Eisenchiml, Otto, 131Confiscation Acts, 95 elective franchise, 97conscription, 106 Elements of Military Art and Scienceconservative movement, 57 58, 60 (Halleck), 71conspiracy theories, 131 33, 139, 157 58 Emancipation Proclamation: celebrationsCooke, John Esten, 110 of, 98; effect of, during Civil War, 146;Copperheads, 106 7 as encouragement for self-liberation Cornerstone speech (Stephens), 111 12 efforts by African Americans, 97; asCrisis of the House Divided (Jaffa), 55, 111 groundwork for abolition of slavery,Crooks, William, 12 82; in  I Have a Dream speech, 68,75; Leland-Boker edition, 25; Lincoln sDarkness at Noon (Koestler), 60 prudential approach to, 118, 157; asDarwinism, 57 58 political tool and inspiration, 72Davis, David, 13, 35, 37 England, impact of American Civil WarDavis, Jefferson, 143 on, 84Declaration of Independence: central English common law, and habeas cor-idea of, 117; idea of nature as basis of, pus, 10258; Lincoln and principles of, 19, 27, equality: in dominion, 61 63; as equal77; meaning of  equality in, 113 17; political liberty, 112 13; Lincoln smoral law and, 62 63; political theory definition of and commitment to, 87,implicit in, 60 61; relationship of, to 94, 98; meaning of, in Declaration ofConstitution, 113; slavery references Independence, 113 17; principle of, inin, 30; universality and timelessness nation s founding, 119 20; self-evi-of, 77 78 dent proposition of, 59 61; AlexanderDelany, Martin, 96 Stephens on, 111 12democracy: American experiment in, Europe, and American Civil War, 80 81,78 81, 84; inseparability of equality, 84113, 116 17; Lincoln s definition and evolutionary theory, 58178 IndexFarber, Joseph C., 49 Garrera, Joseph, 50Fate of Liberty, The (Neely), 105 Garrison, William Lloyd, 148federalism, 126 Gelfund, Lawrence, 24Felicite, Louise, 28 Geneva conventions, 2Fields, Barbara, 115 Georgia Female College (Wesleyan Col-Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitu- lege), 8tion, 84 85, 87 Gettysburg Address, 83, 115 16, 158Fink, Sam, 51 government, responsibility of, 19Fiore, Jordan, 153 54 Grant, Ulysses S., 71, 145Fish, Daniel, 25 Griffith, Albert H., 25Fitzhugh, George, 58 Guelzo, Allan, 118flimsies, 137Flinspach, Joan, 1, 30 habeas corpus: American Revolution and,folklore, 66 1 2; background of, 101 3; suspen-Foote, Shelby, 110 sion of, and national security, 107 8;Ford s Theatre, 151 suspension of, as military necessity,Ford s Theatre Museum, 42 100n.10; suspension of, during CivilFornieri, Joseph, 31 War, 103 7; use of, for and againstForrest, Nathan Bedford, 110 runaway slaves, 103Fort Sumter, 142 Haiti, 96 97Founders: central idea of, 59; and habeas Hall, James O [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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