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.These scripts will run in the background of yourUnix IRC session and will automatically kick in some sort of protection (ignore, ban, kick) against attackers.If you are running a Windows-based IRC client, you may assume that like usual you are out of luck.In fact,when I first got on an IRC channel recently using Netscape 3.01 running on Win 95, the *first* thing thedenizens of #hackers did was make fun of my operating system.Yeah, thanks.But in fact there are great IRCwar programs for both Windows 95 and Unix.For Windows 95 you may wish to use the mIRC client program.You can download it fromhttp://www.super-highway.net/users/govil/mirc40.html.It includes protection from ICMP ping flood.Butthis program isn t enough to handle all the IRC wars you may encounter.So you may wish to add theprotection of the most user-friendly, powerful Windows 95 war script around: 7th Sphere.You can get itfrom http://www.localnet.com/~marcraz/. If you surf IRC from a Unix box, you ll want to try out IRCII.You can download it from ftp.undernet.org , inthe directory /pub/irc/clients/unix, or http://www.irchelp.org/, or ftp://cs -ftp.bu.edu/irc/.For addedprotection, you may download LiCe from ftp://ftp.cibola.net/pub/irc/scripts.Ahem, at this same site you canalso download the attack program Tick from /pub/irc/tick.But if you get Tick, just remember our  You canget punched in the nose warning!*********************************Newbie note: For detailed instructions on how to run these IRC programs, seeAt http://www.irchelp.org/.Or go to Usenet and check out alt.irc.questions******************************************************************Evil genius tip: Want to know every excruciating technical detail about IRC? Check out RFC 1459 (The IRCprotocol).You can find many copies of this ever popular RFC (Request for Comments) by doing a Websearch.********************************Now let s suppose you are all set up with an industrial strength IRC client program and war scripts.Doesthis mean you are ready to go to war on IRC?Us Happy Hacker folks don t recommend attacking people who take over OP status by force on IRC.Evenif the other guys start it, remember this.If they were able to sneak into the channel and get OPs just like that,then chances are they are much more experienced and dangerous than you are.Until you become an IRCmaster yourself, we suggest you do no more than ask politely for OPs back.Better yet, "/ignore nick" the l00zer and join another channel.For instance, if #evilhaxorchat is taken over,just create #evilhaxorchat2 and "/invite IRCfriend" all your friends there.And remember to use what youlearned in this Guide about the IRC whois command so that you DON T OP people unless you know whothey are.As Patrick Rutledge says, this might sound like a wimp move, but if you don't have a fighting chance, don'ttry - it might be more embarrassing for you in the long run.And if you start IRC warrioring and get K:linedoff the system, just think about that purple nose and black eye you could get when all the other IRC dudesat your ISP or school find out who was the luser who got everyone banned.That s it for now.Now don t try any funny stuff, OK? Oh, no, they re nuking meee._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________GUIDE TO (mostly) HARMLESS HACKINGVol 3 Number 4How to Read Email Headers and Find Internet HostsWarning: flamebait enclosed!____________________________________________________________OK, OK, you 31337 haxors win.I m finally releasing the next in our series of Guides oriented toward theintermediate hacker. Now some of you may think that headers are too simple or boring to waste time on.However, a few weeksago I asked the 3000+ readers of the Happy Hacker list if anyone could tell me exactly what email tricks I wasplaying in the process of mailing out the Digests.But not one person replied with a complete answer -- oreven 75% of the answer -- or even suspected that for months almost all Happy Hacker mailings havedoubled as protests.The targets: ISPs offering download sites for email bomber programs.Conclusion: it istime to talk headers!In this Guide we will learn:· what is a header· why headers are fun· how to see full headers· what all that stuff in your headers means· how to get the names of Internet host computers from your headers· the foundation for understanding the forging of email and Usenet posts, catching the people who forgeheaders, and the theory behind those email bomber programs that can bring an entire Internet ServiceProvider (ISP) to its kneesThis is a Guide you can make at least some use of without getting a shell account or installing some form ofUnix on your home computer.All you need is to be able to send and receive email, and you are in business.However, if you do have a shell account, you can do much more with deciphering headers.Viva Unix!Headers may sound like a boring topic.Heck, the Eudora email program named the button you click to readfull headers  blah blah blah. But all those guys who tell you headers are boring are either ignorant -- or elseafraid you ll open a wonderful chest full of hacker insights.Yes, every email header you check out has thepotential to unearth a treasure hidden in some back alley of the Internet.Now headers may seem simple enough to be a topic for one of our Beginners Series Guides.But when Iwent to look up the topic of headers in my library of manuals, I was shocked to find that most of them don teven cover the topic.The two I found that did cover headers said almost nothing about them.Even therelevant RFC 822 is pretty vague [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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